- at the risk of冒可能…的危险;
- at the cost付出代价
- all over the country遍及全国;天南海北;
- by the side ofadv.在…附近,和…一起比较;一旁;
- burst at the seams胀破接缝,太满,太挤;
- bring someone to使觉醒;
- break the ice打破冷场;打破僵局;起步;抛砖引玉;
- break a butterfly on the wheel小题大做, 杀鸡用牛刀;牛鼎烹鸡;
- before the fact犯罪之前;
- be in the middle of nowhere在荒无人烟的地方
- chairman of the boardn.董事长;
- err on the side of(行动上)多表现(某种品质);
- far beyond the planets远离行星的;
- go to the matv.参加一场激战;去辩论;
- go to the dentist去看牙医;
- go against the grain违反意愿;
- give priority to认为优先;为主;尽;
- get to the bottom of弄清…底细;根究;
- hold all the aces处于支配地位;
- kill the dragon杀了龙
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